Mass Booking Times from Wednesday 23rd September to Sunday 27th September inclusive:


Below you will find the Mass times available for booking from Wednesday 24th to Sunday 27th September inclusive. When making a booking please use only the following means, as other methods may not ensure that your request is seen (i.e. please do not use “Messenger”, “Whatsapp”, or the link on the parish website). You will be sent confirmation of your booking, if you do not receive this within 24 hours please be back in touch to check if the place has been booked.

Book on: or by calling (please do not text this number) 01577 863329, or by calling or texting 07540534480. You must provide your name, and your postal address each time you make a booking – this is for “track and trace” purposes should there be another outbreak.

You will be required to wear a face mask when in the church. Hand-sanitizer will be available at the church door and in the church hall (and on the sanctuary for the use of the priest). You will be directed by volunteer stewards as to where you must sit. Please co-operate with these volunteers who are there to help you and keep you safe. Please only sit in the place you have been allocated. Children under 5 years of age and those with medical exemptions are not required to wear a face mask/ covering. You will be asked by the steward if you will receive Holy Communion on the hand or on the tongue – those receiving Holy Communion on the tongue will come forward after those receiving on the hand, and seat allocation will reflect this. In case of uncertainty in this regard, this permission is specifically allowed by our bishop in conformity with universal ecclesiastical law, whilst, at the same time, he strongly encourages reception on the hand during this period of concern.

Please respect others who, for medical reasons, may not be able to wear a mask. If you have any symptoms of Covid-19, or suspect you may have, and if you have had direct contact with anyone who has, you must not come to church. We must do all we can to safeguard the health and well-being of those who attend. For present the bishop is still suspending our Sunday Obligation and that for holydays, which means there is no sin, in these circumstances, in not attending Holy Mass on days that would normally be of obligation to us.

Instructions will be given at the church door by the steward volunteer and short instruction will be given again by the priest immediately before Mass begins. You should be reassured that the churches are being cleaned and disinfected scrupulously and every measure is being taken for your well-being, at the same time as recognizing that no matter where we are it is impossible to eliminate risk totally.

We look forward to you joining us again for Holy Mass and our community celebration of the Sacred Liturgy.

Mass times this coming week are as follows:

Wednesday 23rd September in St. James’, Kinross, at 10.00a.m.

Thursday 24th September in St. James’, Kinross, at 7.00p.m.

Friday 25th September in St. James’, Kinross, at 12 noon (I have Mass in Dundee for the Missionaries of Charity at 9.00a.m.)

Saturday 26th September in St. Matthew’s, Auchtermuchty, at 4.00p.m.

Sunday 27th September in St. Matthew’s, Auchtermuchty, at 9.00a.m.

Sunday 27th September in St. James’, Kinross, at 11.00a.m.

Sunday 27th September in St. James’, Kinross, at 3.00p.m.

(Sunday Mass at Kilgraston is not open to the general public at the moment)

Confessions are available half an hour before Mass in St. James’ (with the exception of the 11.00a.m. Mass on Sunday), also after any Mass, and in St. Matthew’s the Sacrament will be available before the 4.00p.m. Mass on Saturday.

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